The Vixen Cover 3

The Vixen Cover 3

The Vixen Cover 3

Jeff Fields wife, Cindy, has a steamy affair during their anniversary vacation in Barbados. Jeff is a good guy, easy going, and apparently not too upset about her flirting with another man at the bar.

But appearances are deceiving. Is this just another boring statistic of someone trashing someone’s trust and loyalty? Or is there more going on?

Jeff decides that he doesn’t want to hang around and watch his wife make a fool out of him. He heads off to meet an old friend, Vicky Combs, who is in the area aboard her luxury yacht The Vixen.

While aboard The Vixen, freed of years of loyalty because of his wife’s betrayal, Jeff experiences the pleasure of several naughty women and discovers that his wife’s affair may have more serious repercussions than the stability of his marriage.

Join us and see what happens aboard The Vixen as these events unfold, and you begin to find out that much more is going on than what appears to be.

The Vixen The Lust Boat 1 by Anna Dubois

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